To install the moodcase plug-in in Capture One, follow the steps below:
Download the plug-in from
Double click on moodcase.coplugin - Capture One will start and display a message about the successful installation.
Click on "View Settings" and Capture One will display the moodcase plug-in settings in the settings window.
Log in with your moodcase account. If you don't have an account yet, create one at
Using the Capture One plug-in
Use the "Publish" menu to upload the images.
Select one or more images in the browser or viewer.
Select Image/Publish to moodcase (you can also right-click on the image(s) and select Publish to moodcase).
Select a client and a project or create a new one. Once you publish, moodcase for Capture One remembers your selection, so you don't have to repeat this step unless you want to change the client or project.
You can make further changes to your export by changing the settings in the Basic Data, Adjustments, and other tabs.
Click "Publish".
Once the export is successful, a notification will appear to let you know that the publishing is complete. Click the button to view the images on moodcase.